At Glacier Rock Enterprises, we love firing up the welder, and creating a masterpiece for you. Weather it’s a piece of art or a piece for a vintage vehicle, we love making sure everything comes together.

If you’re looking for just the right piece, but don’t want something mass manufactured – we’d love to create the perfect piece for you.
At Glacier Rock, we’ve got a machine to do the job. No project is too large or too small!

Blacksmithing is an artform that Glacier Rock is passionate about. Each project that we forge is created with the highest quality materials, and with an eye to detail that is unmatched.
We can help with your next project!
Glacier Rock Enterprises Inc is operated from a property located at 8266 Woodlane Road, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
Call or e-mail us to schedule an appointment to discuss the products and services that we have to offer: (920) 374-0269.

With honesty & integrity, and a skillset not often seen in most people, we use the most advanced tools and equipment available to get the job done right.
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Our Services
Our Services
8266 Woodlane Road
Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
Phone: 920-374-0269
Email: biopower68@gmail.com